كوماركر https://commarker.com/ar/ Fri, 12 أبريل 2024 05:26:17 +0000 ar hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3 https://commarker.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-微信图片_20230505093551-32x32.jpg كوماركر https://commarker.com/ar/ 32 32 Are Laser Engravers Dangerous? https://commarker.com/ar/are-laser-engravers-dangerous/ https://commarker.com/ar/are-laser-engravers-dangerous/#respond Fri, 12 أبريل 2024 05:26:13 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=25447-ar It’s amazing to see how your table-top laser machines role-play their magic, turning raw ordinary items into precious keepsakes.

But when this highly concentrated laser beam works its part on material, does it make you wonder: Are Laser Engravers Dangerous? حسنًا, they’re not exactly harmless if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Thinking of highly concentrated laser beam radiation,  surface removal, and all the technical processes the آلة الحفر بالليزر require can be viewed as the most hazardous task at first, but once you take all the safety precautions in place, it’s more of an eye-catching phenomenon and less of a hassle.

This article will further help you discover what makes حفارة الليزر the most dangerous, and you’ll learn some practical tips for using these cutting-edge machines without trouble. لذا, let’s get started.

I. The Basics of Laser Engraving Technology

How Laser Engravers Transform Materials

Laser engraving is a marvel of technology capable of transforming a wide range of materials into creative masterpieces with finesse and precision. At its core, the laser machines use a focused laser beam to remove the top layer of the material, leaving behind desired marks, أنماط, and text that’s incredible.

Think of your metal keychain engraved with your name, a customized wooden plaque as your home decor ornament, a tailor-made leather patch on your jeans, or a festive-special craft; the versatility of laser engraving technology knows no bounds.

Harnessing the power of light wavelength, these حفارة الليزر offer a level of detail and intricacy that traditional marking machines can’t even match, making it a must-have tool for artisans, manufacturers, and designers alike.

II.   Safety Concerns Unveiled

Laser engraving techniques open doors for tremendous innovation and craftsmanship, but they come with inherent risks. Knowing these dangers is paramount for a safe and sound experience, so let’s break down some key areas of concern and be mindful of the practical ways to deal with them effectively.

أ. The Invisible Risks: Eye and Skin Safety


When using آلة الحفر بالليزر, know that you’re not just dealing with the machine but also handling the technical and high-voltage system. With them in your space, there are some potential dangers lurking around, especially on your skin and eyes. That laser beam you see may look harmless, but it packs a punch without the care.

Direct exposure to these highly concentrated laser beams can mess up your eyesight or may leave nasty burns on your skin. These rays entering the eye in this way can cause permanent damage to your retina, resulting in a blind spot – or worse still, damage to the optic nerve. Long-term exposure to 1µm radiation can also cause cataracts on the eye’s cornea.

لذا, what’s the solution? It’s safety eyewear. It’s essential to follow safety guidelines and best practices and get some good quality eye goggles to shield your most sensitive part from those radiations. And don’t forget to dress up in appropriate gear to cover your skin. Trust us, it’s better to stay at a distance from these rays and equip appropriately to avoid those painful burns.

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UV Laser Safety Goggles
CO2 Laser Safety Goggles
Fiber Laser Safety Goggles

ب. The Air We Breathe: Ventilation and Health


Another often-overlooked aspect of working with laser engraving machines is assessing the quality of air in your workspace. The working of laser technology is a high-powered task that may cause many chemical reactions to happen, releasing elements present in the alloy into the surrounding air.

Now, these poisonous fumes, vapors, particles, and toxic metallic extractions from the substrates can make your breathing unbearable and, in many cases, can pose some serious health issues.

عضلات المعدة, PVC, and fiberglass are the three most common materials on the “Forbidden List,” so be careful when navigating these materials.

In order to combat this issue, adequate ventilation is all you need. Make sure your working area has good natural airflow or either way, install mechanical systems in place.

Installing air filtration units to capture and remove airborne contaminants is another effective way to deal with this aspect. Additionally, wearing respiratory protection, such as masks or respirators, can provide an added layer of defense against inhaling harmful particles and fumes.

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ج. Fire Hazards: Prevention and Preparedness

Laser marking, قطع, and heating are all thermal processes, so they can cause a flame at the surface where the laser is being applied, making the fire hazard a legitimate concern.

Certain materials used in the processes might ignite, especially when you’re processing flammable materials such as wood and plastics. لذا, these materials can quickly escalate into dangerous fires without careful precautions.

But don’t be scared! All our laser equipment has a very decent setup that will make you avoid fire hazards in most cases.

Still, to mitigate its harmfulness, implementing fire safety protocols, such as having fire extinguishers readily available and knowing how to use them, is crucial for prompt response in the event of a fire emergency.

III.   A Seller’s Guide to Safe Engraving Practices

أ. Selecting Safety Gear: Beyond the Basics

When it comes to protecting yourself from laser beam radiations, don’t just settle for any safety gear, but rather invest in a high-quality one that can truly keep you safe. Find eyewear that’s specially designed for laser work and that can better shield your eyes from the wavelengths these laser engraving machines emit.

Additionally, you can go for a face shield for that added layer of protection, especially when you’re working around materials like brass that produce flying debris.

As for your skin, it’s sensible to reach for flame-resistant clothing made from durable materials like leather or cotton.

أيضًا, Gloves can act like your good friend in protecting your hands from potential cuts and burns. Be mindful that it snugly fits in, simultaneously allowing for dexterity in carrying out the laser tasks with ease.

ب. Understanding Your Laser Engraver’s Safety Features

When shopping for laser engraving machines, it’s wise to keep your eye on the built-in safety features such as emergency stop buttons, interlock systems, and protective enclosures.

The emergency stop button is a rapid response mechanism that prevents severity by cutting off the power source to the machine system or other components.

Interlock systems offer a safe operating practice that prevents the machine from working unless the enclosures are securely closed, thus minimizing the risk of accidental exposures.

Protective enclosures provide a physical barrier between the machine processes and the operator, thus creating a shield from direct radiation and the dispersion of fumes, smoke, or debris generated during the engraving.

كوماركر is proud to offer all these features in its laser systems so that there is no risk of accidents and injuries when shutting down the machine or preventing operation if certain safety criteria aren’t met.

علاوة على ذلك, check whether or not your suppliers meet all the safety standards and compliance regulations set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We at ComMarker ensure that our حفارة الليزرs meet rigorous safety requirements and have undergone thorough testing to guarantee their reliability.

ج. Maintenance as a Safety Standard

When the maintenance part of the laser systems is discussed, it’s not just restricted to cleaning the debris out of the way but also involves the critical aspect of safety. By that, we mean conducting scheduled inspections of the laser tube, mirror, and power levels so they may operate safely without ruining the overall engraving results.

What’s better than keeping a clutter-free workspace so you can easily reach for your tools and materials? And don’t forget to check for your power supply to avoid power outages.

Those involved in the process must also ensure the area airflow systems are in good working order and that the fume extractors installed correctly extract fumes with dangerous chemicals from the air. This way, the worker is not exposed to nearly as many heavy metals and toxins.

الكل في الكل, following manufacturer guidelines for maintenance tasks such as calibration and tube replacement, are all there to protect you!

IV. Empowering Users Through Education and Best Practices

أ. Training for Safety: A Non-Negotiable Investment

While you push the creative potentials of laser engraving machines and play around with varying parameters, ComMarker suggests you prioritize safety simultaneously. This comes down to the training sessions and a deep understanding of the safety protocols and emergency procedures.

Refer to our product manual, look for our website tutorials, and read our blogs; these serve as a solid foundation of fundamental skill sets to gain a revenue impact immediately. Whether with our حفارة ألياف الليزر, MOPA Fiber laser, or Diode laser engraver system, our laser marking machines ensure you maintain the dynamic balance where innovation thrives without compromising your well-being or the workplace’s integrity.

By embracing safety as an integral part of the creative process, you can unlock limitless possibilities while safeguarding against potential risks. With a steadfast commitment to both creativity and safety, ComMarker laser engraving machines become a transformative tool for growth, empowerment, and success.

ب. Establishing a Culture of Safety

Now that laser technology has emerged from professional rooms and has become more of a thing to be used by hobbyists, artisans, and small private enterprises, the burden of responsibility for safety has shifted from experts to the individual user, often without the benefit of appropriate or adequate resources.

What remains, regardless of the working area, application, or system in use, is the constant goal of establishing and maintaining a laser-safe environment for the user and the surroundings at all times. This should be the goal of all who are involved with the sale, purchase, application, and management of all laser systems–under all circumstances.

Laser safety is EVERYONE’S concern! A laser is as safe or as hazardous as the user–and that user’s knowledge and skill are the basis of everything.  

لذا, beyond mere equipment and training, fostering a safety culture in the workplace becomes imperative. Open communication channels should be promoted so employees feel comfortable sharing safety concerns, reporting incidents, and cooperating with best practices. This is more of a proactive approach to hazard identification and mitigation.

الخامس. Making an Informed Purchase: Safety Considerations

What makes a laser engraver a “Safe purchase” incorporates a combination of advanced features and meticulous design considerations for the well-being of both the operator and the bystanders.

If you’re eyeing a laser engraver, it’s indeed a smart move, but look for safety first. Here’s the lowdown on what to look for before you slap down your hard-earned cash

  1. Enclosures and Interlocks:

It’s like a fortress of your laser engraving machine, so make sure it’s fully enclosed with an interlocks system that automatically stops the laser when somebody tries to open it mid-operation.  This prevents exposure to laser radiation or other possible injuries.

ComMarker offers a dedicated laser engraver enclosure to keep all the laser beams confined, ultimately protecting you and the surroundings from major uncertainties.

  • Safety Certifications:

Look for trustworthy certification labels on laser engraving products, such as the FDA, CU, and UL set forth by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It’s like a seal of approval that guarantees the laser machine complies with the safety standards.

  • User Interface and Control:

Because of the product’s technical nature, the laser machine with clear labeling, safety warnings, and ergonomic design contributes to the product’s appeal and ultimately signals safe and smooth operation. لذلك, before you look for a machine, ensure it’s user-friendly to instill user confidence and promote a positive experience.

  • Emergency Stop Button

Look for the machine’s emergency stop button, as it’s a lifesaver in case of any mishap. A laser machine with an easily accessible emergency button is more likely to protect you by immediately halting the machine’s operations in case you find a hazardous incident or in case of an emergency.

  • Safety Documentation

Nobody wishes to get into accidents, Right? لذا, make sure you get your hands on the product manual that dictates clear safety protocols and comprehensive training materials so you know the ropes before you dive in.

  • Service and Support

While navigating the technicality of the machine, it’s often the case that things go south, and they inevitably do, so you’ll surely need a lifeline. Here comes an ultimate need to reach for seller customer support service to keep the laser machine doing what it’s good at.

ComMarker offers before- and after-sale support to ensure your machine stays in top-notch shape, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

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VI. Laser Engraver Risk Management

While Working with your laser engravers, be it an installation, operation, management, or maintenance, there is always some serious hazard you must watch out for, mainly laser radiation.

If you’re not being careful during the process, you would welcome causing some real damage to your eyes and skin. And it’s not just the radiation that you need to worry about–there’s electricity, fumes, and high-pressure gases as part of the considerations.

لذا, for your convenience, here’s a simple table outlining the potential hazards and the possible risk control measures associated with laser engravers.

Potential DangersRisks Control Measures
Exposure to Laser RadiationEnsure your laser system is confined within the enclosure with an interlocks system in place.  Make use of high-quality safety goggles to eradicate direct exposure damage. Implement administrative controls and allow authorized personnel to carry out the engraving tasks. 
Electrical HazardsMake sure your laser system is perfectly installed and grounded by a technical professional. Develop a habit of inspecting your power circuits and components for any sign of wear or damage.  Equip with enough knowledge of the power levels and material held in place.
Fire HazardsBe knowledgeable about the material and its interaction with a laser beam, as highly flammable materials such as plastic and wood can likely ignite. Have fire extinguishers readily accessible and your employees trained in their use. Install smoke detectors and fire suppression systems in the workplace. 
Mechanical InjuriesImplement machine guarding and interlock systems so to prevent moving parts during the engraving tasks. Enforce strict adherence to safety protocols, especially the importance of using personal protective equipment like gloves and eyewear. Provide training resources and materials for safe machine operations and handling of materials.
Eye StrainErgonomically position the machine to prevent fatigue or even eye strain. Have adequate lighting in place so there’s no way of light glare or shadows. Encourage short breaks or eye exercises during the operations for operators working long hours.
Inhalation of FumesHave a properly working ventilation system to wipe out all fumes and smoke from the working space.Equip with respiratory protective equipment such as masks or respirators. 

This table is just a snapshot of what could be the common dangers associated with laser engraving machines. Keep in mind that every safety measure may vary depending on the machine being used, the materials held under the laser head, and the workspace environment. Regular risk assessments and safety training are all that you should really pay attention to.


Laser technology is so exciting and versatile that it brings a whole host of benefits to businesses in a wide variety of sectors. But this high-powered machine comes with great responsibility, especially regarding safety.

It’s true that laser engravers put no limits on your Innovation and creativity, but it’s equally important to embrace these machines responsibly. As technology evolves and laser engraving becomes increasingly accessible, it’s up to users to wield this power with care.

At the end of the day, laser engravers are here to make our lives easier and our creations even more remarkable. But let’s remember to put safety first, okay?

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the world of laser engraving, a machine equipped with robust safety features and that also from a renowned seller goes a long way. لذا, gear up, stay informed, and let’s keep making awesome crafts together!

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ما هي العناصر المحفورة بالليزر الأكثر مبيعًا؟? https://commarker.com/ar/what-are-the-best-selling-laser-engraved-items/ https://commarker.com/ar/what-are-the-best-selling-laser-engraved-items/#respond Mon, 08 أبريل 2024 02:17:44 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=25129-ar The art of laser engraving allows you to customize and personalize by cutting, crafting, and engraving various materials. You can engrave your required art, personalized messages, الشعارات, إلخ., on multiple materials; the result is always unique and mesmerizing.

The customization and personalized features of laser engraving make it a popular technique across various sectors. Using personalized colors and designs and readily accessible laser engraving machines has contributed to the rising popularity of engraved items across all life sectors.

In our article, we will discuss some of the best-selling laser-engraved items. We will also explore the different aspects that make the laser engraving process smooth and worthwhile.

 The Rise of Personalization in Consumer Goods

Previously, laser engraving could provide customization only at the industrial level. لكن, the industry has also gained recognition and prominence over the years among small vendors. Many small vendors now offer laser-engraved products that can be customized to their customer’s liking. You can have personalized engraved items made on your preferred material, such as wood, acrylic metal, إلخ. Today’s critical trend in consumer behavior is the desire for personalized products. The laser engraving industry has tapped into it and found its breakthrough.

Getting customers to come back continuously has boosted the laser engraving industry immensely. We have seen massive expansion and branching of the engraving industry across the global market and the business sector. In our article below, let us walk through some famous and in-demand engraved items in the market.

Read below for an elaborate overview of the most popular laser-engraved items on the market.

 For General Market and Home Decor

First, let’s discuss the laser-engraved items used for home decor across the general population. A customized decor item adds a hint of personality and intimacy to your overall house ambiance. Some of the popular laser-engraved house decor items on the market include:

Wood Pendant Light


With a geometric design and laser-cut wooden construction, wooden pendant lights are a favorite of mid-century modern enthusiasts. They can be placed in any conceivable position and generally include a slightly arched ring to give them a spherical shape. Many wooden pendant lights offer directional lighting in various styles, including rustic and contemporary designs. Laser engravers can incorporate stone with wood for a more modern look to give you a timeless centerpiece for your lounge or office.

Vertical Welcome Sign


This solid wood home decor piece is perfect for lovers of rustic décor. People can add vertical signs with an inviting customized message to the front of their houses, porches, or gardens for a personalized touch. Similarly, they can use intricate wedding signs before their wedding receptions for an intimate touch.

Entryway Wall Decor


A wall decor customizable with a family name and established date makes it a perfect gift for any special occasion. You can also use wall decor in the house entryway to express warmth. Greet your guests with a heartfelt quote or message and make their stay worthwhile!

Custom LED Neon Signs:


The LED neon signs are made from laser-cut acrylic and LED strips to be customized for any event or personal use. In addition to their versatility in design, LED neon signs can be customized and personalized in various colors and fonts. You can get customized neon signs for your houses, restaurants, shopping malls, إلخ.

Wooden Wedding Lantern Centerpieces


Wedding Lanterns can be laser engraved with intricate patterns or personalized with names and dates, adding a rustic charm to any setting. Decorative items such as candles, flowers, or other items can be placed inside the wood lanterns. Add warmth and sophistication to your wedding decor with wooden lantern candle holders!

 For Business and Promotional Items

Laser engraving has also contributed immensely to the business sector. Businesses can engrave personalized logos, initials, or mottos on promotional items. This practice helps them connect with their clients on a more personal level. Some examples of business-related laser engraved items include

Personalized Power Banks, Speakers, and USB Devices

For promotional purposes, the items offered by a brand can be engraved with the name or logo of the company. Using laser engraving as a branding tool can help increase a business’s value. Customers are reminded of the company’s name by looking at the logo whenever they reach out for the product.

Office & Desk Items

Engraving office and desk items like name bars, bamboo desk accessories, and engraved rulers add a personal touch to any professional environment. Establishing a familiar and comfortable workspace is essential for maximum productivity. Personalize your office supplies to add a touch of sophistication to your workspace.

 Niche Items with Specific Appeal

A laser engraving process allows products to be customized, imbued with individuality, and targeted towards specific markets. حفارة ليزر can create one-of-a-kind products to meet their customers’ exact requirements and styles.

Laser Engraved Bottles

Suitable for beverage-related businesses, laser engraving offers a unique branding opportunity. (examples include laser engraved tumblers). Through laser engraving, tumblers can be transformed into unique and artistic masterpieces using detailed designs.

Customized Keychains and Notebooks

In addition to niche-specific items with a personal touch, laser engraving creates products that serve everyday needs. Examples include laser-engraved keychains. The personalized touches make the keychains more attractive and increase their chances of being used and seen by others, which extends the parent brand’s reach.

Factors Driving Sales of Laser Engraved Items

Customization has led to a new era of consumer empowerment, where products reflect individuals’ unique styles, preferences, and identities. The laser engraving industry owes its immense growth to customers’ desire to own personalized and meaningful items. Laser-engraved products provide individuals with a practically clean slate. Customers have complete autonomy over the material, typography, color scheme, and customized message or initials. Owning a product that you have brought into existence holds great sentimental value.

Consumers feel an emotional connection with self-made items. As a result of this trend of uniqueness and personalization, various sectors are striving to meet their customer’s needs on a more personal level.

Tips for Choosing High-Quality Laser Engraved Items

Laser-engraved items are trendy these days. With popularity comes saturation of the market with different-quality products. A consumer may question which product or company to purchase their engraved item from. We have compiled some key pointers for you to remember for better insight so that the next time you are about to add something to your cart, you have a clear understanding of what to expect and look out for.

  • Whether you’re an engraver or a purchaser, choosing a suitable material for laser engraving is essential. Your engraving material should be durable and strong enough to withstand the engraving process. Furthermore, choosing the right texture is crucial for the clarity of the engraved item. Some commonly used engraving materials include bamboo, أكريليك, metal, حجر, إلخ.
  • Using the right machinery for the engraving process is significant. The vendor should use a high-quality engraving machine for precision and accuracy. أيضًا, remember that not all engraving machines work on all materials. لذلك, you should research before investing in an engraving setup that best meets your product and brand’s vision and needs.
  • Lastly and most importantly, customer interaction and feedback should be prioritized. Startups should provide their customers with maximum customization options. Furthermore, practicing flexibility helps you accommodate more customer preferences.

If you are looking for a go-to resource to purchase laser-engraved items, ComMarker offers a variety of reliable آلة الحفر بالليزر as well as unique personalized products.ComMarker is a leading laser marking and engraving brand that provides high-quality and efficient solutions for various industries. Its advanced fiber laser technology and innovative design make its laser marking machines widely used in electronics, مجوهرات, السيارات, طبي, and more.

Furthermore, ComMarker offers a platform that simplifies finding and customizing products, ensuring a match for every occasion and need. The website provides segregated options, from the material type to the machinery, that will best meet your brand’s criteria.

Additionally, the site has a blog section where you can learn basic laser cutting and engraving knowledge, check out expert laser machine reviews, and get laser engraving ideas for laser cutting and engraving.


In conclusion, getting your customized laser-engraved item is relatively easy. لكن, to ensure that the engraved products meet high standards and exceed customer expectations, you need to choose the right platform. Visit Commarker.com to explore the vast selection of customizable items and use their laser engraving services.

https://commarker.com/what-are-the-best-selling-laser-engraved-items/feed/ 0
كيف يمكن لبطاقات العمل المحفورة بالليزر أن ترفع مستوى العلامة التجارية لشركتك الصغيرة https://commarker.com/ar/how-laser-engraved-business-cards-can-elevate-your-small-business-branding/ https://commarker.com/ar/how-laser-engraved-business-cards-can-elevate-your-small-business-branding/#respond Mon, 08 أبريل 2024 01:21:22 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=25126-ar Small startups always seek new and innovative ways to stand out in this fast-paced business world. Companies strive for quality, credibility, and customer loyalty for their brands. Amidst this, branding your business right is of utmost significance. Proper branding gives your business a unique identity that people can remember over time. Companies can use various brand tools to present themselves. For example, an eye-catching logo, cohesive visual identities, and innovative business cards can create a lasting impression.

A business card helps startups reach potential clients by presenting their vision and values. In addition to traditional cards, their laser-engraved counterparts are famous these days. Laser engraving adds a tactile element to your cards, making them stand out.

This article will introduce the unique world of laser-engraved business cards, one of the top-selling engraved products, and how they can help elevate your small business branding.

The Appeal of Laser Engraved Business Cards

3d metal engraving w commarker b 1

The purpose of a business card goes beyond housing your contact information. It is an open invitation for others to understand who you are and what you have to offer. With the emergence of laser-engraved cards, people have more authority to add their personal touch and more creative liberty to make a card that best represents them. Laser engraving creates a mesmerizing contrast between light and shadow, giving the design a depth that draws you in.

The type of business card you use, traditional or laser engraved, depends upon the target audience and your brand’s identity/purpose. Some people prefer the in-person experience traditional cards give. Others enjoy the convenience and interactive elements a digitalized card offers. The material used in digital cards is more sustainable and eco-friendly than its paper-based counterpart. Additionally, digitalized laser-engraved cards give a more thoughtful, intimate brand value that leaves a lasting impression than paper-based business cards.

Brand Identity and Laser Engraving


With its precision and versatility, laser engraving offers an innovative way to bring your brand to life. This technology enables businesses to incorporate their laser engraving ideas and create captivating designs that will leave a lasting impression on potential clients. We have compiled some key points about how laser-engraved business cards can help reflect a business’s identity and value.

  • Laser-engraved cards allow businesses to add customized visual elements like a brand logo, name, or motto specific to the brand’s identity. Brands can also utilize the feature of engraving their customer names, initials, إلخ., on the cards, giving them a more intimate experience. This practice establishes a sense of commitment between the two parties.
  • In today’s digital age, customers are always looking for easy and convenient access to information. Laser-engraved cards include links to a business’s website, which customers can access anytime and anywhere. علاوة على ذلك, up-to-date technology demonstrates a business’s commitment to innovation and competitiveness.
  • Many businesses incorporate environmental sustainability into their brand identity. By using versatile materials (like wood, metal, إلخ.), brands convey a sense of commitment to protecting the environment, which reflects positively on the brand’s overall identity and values.

While we are on the topic, let’s discuss the versatility of materials used in laser-engraved cards and how they align with a brand image. Various materials have unique characteristics that can be used to align with different brand messaging and images. You can engrave designs or messages onto wood, بلاستيك, or metal. Let us go over them one by one in our article below.


Companies can opt for laser engraving on wood. Wooden-engraved cards give off a natural, earthy feel that is especially appealing to brands that highlight their eco-friendliness or handmade products. Examples include food-related businesses and wellness-centered brands.


Plastic is a versatile and affordable choice for brands that need to keep costs low. Opting for plastic engraved cards allows you to experiment with colors. The best part about engraving on plastic is that you can play around with colors, which is excellent for brands that want to add a touch of fun and creativity. Examples include makeup brands, إلخ.


 Engraving on metal creates a sleek, modern appearance. This option is excellent for brands that want to display cutting-edge technology or premium quality. Using metal-engraved business cards will suit car business owners who wish to deliver a luxurious and high-tech image.

Making a Lasting Impression during Networking

With the digitalization of almost everything, one may think that carrying a physical business card with you might serve no purpose during networking events. لكن, handing over a business card in person significantly impacts the receiving party. This intimate interaction speaks volumes about your commitment to your band and delivers a sense of respect for the recipient–ensuring a long-lasting impression.

Furthermore, handing over a card during networking is a robust branding tool. The unique appearance of a laser-engraved business card ensures that you stand out among competitors. The visual elements of a laser-engraved card, such as the distinctive color and typography and relevant links, make it easier for the recipient to familiarize themselves with the brand image. Potential clients can put a face to the brand when they receive a card in person.

Airbnb is an example of a business that gained recognition through its innovative business cards. The vacation rental company uses business cards made from recycled materials or features unique designs inspired by its destinations. Their business cards reflect Airbnb’s commitment to community and sustainability while leaving recipients with a lasting impression.

علاوة على ذلك, laser-engraved business cards allow full creative liberty to express your brand’s identity/message through customized logos, personalized colors, font choices, إلخ. This way, upon receiving the card, the recipient gets an immediate insight into what they can look forward to.

Customization and Creativity

Regarding laser-engraved cards, businesses can experiment with many creative aspects and visually manipulate them to their hearts’ content. The end product is the best visual representation of the brand’s image and values. Some of the customization options include.

Firstly, laser engraving allows the option of incorporating logos or brand designs unique to the brand’s image. The logos can be engraved on any material, including wood, metal, أكريليك, and even leather.

التالي, the business gets to pick the type of typography they want for their laser-engraved card. They can arrange their motto and other unique details on the card in a way that is desirable to the readers. ال حفارة الليزر can even adjust the font size to suit your overall brand concept.

Lastly and most importantly, laser engraving is a scalable solution for all your engraving needs, whether it involves working on one item or a batch of items. Small startups that want to save the outsourcing cost of laser engraving can even invest in their laser engraver.

ComMarker offers some of the best laser engravers for small businesses. إذا كنت ترغب في بدء مشروع تجاري من الصفر بأقل قدر من الاستثمار, ComMarker can help, too. You only need to buy a ComMarker Laser Engraving Machine and some materials to build your small shop and make customized products for clients.

Being creative with your laser-engraved business cards will always help you stand out from your competitors. Using a QR code, على سبيل المثال, can provide an easy gateway for the card recipients to access more information about your business. Another trick for making a unique laser-engraved business card is experimenting with the card shape. Choosing a shape that stands out from the rest is bound to leave a memorable impression!

Lastly, using mixed materials can increase the depth of your card, making it more visually pleasing. Using a laser engraver compatible with various materials, such as wood, metal, أكريليك, إلخ., can help you innovate and achieve the desired outcome for your business cards.ComMarker’s Mopa fiber laser marking machine works on metal, جلد, إلخ. You can achieve impeccable results with every use.

آلة الوسم بالليزر الليفي ComMarker B4 JPT MOPA

(1 رأي العميل)
$3,221 $2,899 يحفظ:$322

تتيح ألياف ComMarker B4 -MOPA JPT MOPA وضع علامات ملونة نابضة بالحياة على الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والنقش عالي التباين على الألومنيوم المؤكسد. لا

0 دوار
D69 روتاري
D80 دوار
الأسطوانة الدوارة
MOPA 20 واط
MOPA 30 واط
60 وات MOPA
موبا 100 واط

Cost Consideration and Sustainability

When choosing between a traditional or a laser-engraved card, new startups can be skeptical about their preferred type’s overall cost and sustainability.to break it down, opting for a laser-engraved business setup may seem costly initially with the initial equipment setup and material cost. On the other hand, paper business cards cost less when we add up the printing plus material costs. لكن, laser-engraved cards can edge over their traditional counterparts when it comes to customization and durability.

If you are a small startup that owns engraving equipment, follow its maintenance protocols for longevity and prolonged usage. أيضًا, contact the laser machine manufacturer to understand its usage and to follow all the recommended safety protocols. ComMarker offers a ضميمة حفارة الليزر, which reduces accidental damage caused by lasers.

كومماركر فايبر ليزر حفارة سلامة الضميمة الغطاء الواقي برو

$611 $550 يحفظ:$61

تقليل الضوضاء في غلاف النقش بالليزر | العلبة العازلة للدخان ذات الحجم M مناسبة لآلة 20 وات، العلبة ذات الحجم L مناسبة



In conclusion, laser-engraved business cards offer visual and creative liberty to business owners to incorporate their desired style, logo, personalized message, and information that gives their brand a unique face that potential clients can remember. Startups should invest in reliable Laser engraving setups to ensure sustainability and long-term benefits.ComMarker is one of the leading choices for your laser engraving needs. Visit their website to learn about their services and products.

https://commarker.com/how-laser-engraved-business-cards-can-elevate-your-small-business-branding/feed/ 0
التقاط الجمال في كل التفاصيل: نقش السيراميك بالليزر مع ComMarker B4 https://commarker.com/ar/capturing-beauty-in-every-detail-laser-engraving-ceramic-with-commarker-b4/ https://commarker.com/ar/capturing-beauty-in-every-detail-laser-engraving-ceramic-with-commarker-b4/#respond Tue, 26 مارس 2024 03:16:51 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=24011-ar
Play Video


Step into the world of refined craftsmanship and artistic intricacy with the ComMarker B4 Laser Engraving Machine. This essay sheds light on the nuanced process of laser engraving, placing special emphasis on the introduction and mastery of parameters. Our exploration delves deep into the artistry of etching captivating pictures onto ceramic surfaces, showcasing the ComMarker B4’s ability to marry technology with creativity. As we unveil the enchantment within each engraved detail, our focus remains on the pivotal role played by meticulously set parameters, elevating the art of ceramic engraving to new heights. Join us on this journey where the كومماركر B4 transforms ceramic canvases, and parameters become the brushstrokes defining precision in every laser-engraved masterpiece.

Basic information:

برمجة Lightburn
Machine كومماركر B4 Mopa Fiber Laser
Laser Module Output Power 60دبليو
Material Used سيراميك
Material Info Ceramic tile
Making Time(mins) 10


Process Method Image
Process Material Ceramic tile
Speed(مم/ثانية) 1000
Max Power(%) 40
Pass 1
Line space 0.05
Dot width Enable
Dot width 0.06
Mode Jarvis
Frequency 130
Q-pulse Width 30
التقاط الجمال في كل التفاصيل: Laser Engraving Ceramic with ComMarker B4 106


Step 1: Input the Picture

Begin by uploading the image you wish to engrave into the software. Ensure the file is compatible with the engraving system.

Step 2: Set the Parameters

If you’re familiar with the parameters required for the engraving, go ahead and input them. Alternatively, conduct a test engraving (Grim Test) to determine the optimal settings. Adjust the parameters based on the results of the test.

Step 3: Preview and Adjust

Using the red light preview feature, project the engraving onto the object. Adjust the size and position directly on the object itself using the red light guide within the workspace. Ensure the image is aligned precisely where you want it before proceeding to the next step.

This ensures a physical preview through the red light, allowing for real-time adjustments on the object before starting the laser engraving process.

Step 4: Start Laser Engraving

Once satisfied with the preview and settings, press the engrave button to initiate the laser engraving process. Ensure that all safety protocols are followed during the engraving operation.

Remember to consult the specific user manual or guidelines provided by the laser engraving machine manufacturer for any additional details or safety precautions.


In the realm of laser engraving with the ComMarker B4, technology intertwines seamlessly with creativity. The 60W Mopa laser module, guided by Lightburn software, transforms ceramic tiles into canvases for artistic expression. Parameters stand as silent architects, determining depth and intricacy in each engraved detail. Our step-by-step guide, from image upload to a red light preview, ensures precision in every step. كومماركر B4, with its meticulous parameter control, becomes an artist’s tool, delicately etching images onto ceramic surfaces. This marriage of technology and human touch yields laser-engraved masterpieces, capturing beauty in every detail. As a celebration of artistic finesse, this journey inspires those venturing into laser engraving, where each stroke is a testament to the harmonious dance between machine and imagination.

Design Files:

Laser engrave a picture on ceramic.lbrn2

جدول المحتويات

https://commarker.com/capturing-beauty-in-every-detail-laser-engraving-ceramic-with-commarker-b4/feed/ 0 ComMarker-B4 JPT MOPA, Endless Possibility With Fiber Laser Engraving Machine nonadult
كومماركر B4 النقش بالليزر ثلاثي الأبعاد على المعدن https://commarker.com/ar/commarker-b4-3d-laser-engraving-on-metal/ https://commarker.com/ar/commarker-b4-3d-laser-engraving-on-metal/#respond Mon, 25 مارس 2024 06:01:19 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23852-ar So Commarker graciously sent over their B4 20دبليو حفارة ألياف الليزر for Gomeow Creations to examine and create a video about. If one isn’t familiar with fiber lasers, they are essentially a type of laser capable of engraving onto metals. لكن, it’s important to note that it’s not restricted solely to metals, as demonstrated. It’s highly efficient, producing intricate details at remarkable speed. The real-time engraving showcased here isn’t manipulated or sped up in any way, which is quite impressive for just 8 ثواني. Additionally, this laser enables various intriguing engraving techniques, such as 2.5D or 3D engraving, which are surprisingly easy to execute. He promises to demonstrate these techniques later in the video. First and foremost, though, they must assemble the laser and get everything prepared. This encompasses all the necessary components for setup.

Out of the box

ب4 20 W fiber laser comes with a secondary lens, offering flexibility in terms of the work area size and accuracy. This option is particularly advantageous. Additionally, Commarker included a variety of test materials, ensuring users have something to practice with and get acquainted with the laser’s capabilities. All parts of the laser are constructed from metal, providing a sturdy feel.

Following the instruction manual, assembling the laser was straightforward. Once assembled, it occupies a relatively small footprint, especially when compared to larger lasers like the 50 W version. The 50W and 60W options of the B4 حفارة الليزر share the same form factor, providing users with more power if needed.

On the front of the machine, there are simple controls, including an emergency stop button for immediate shutdown, a main power button, and focus controls. These controls allow for precise adjustment of the laser head. Even with power, the movement is slow, aiding in achieving perfect focus. A hand crank is also provided for manual adjustment. Laser guides assist in focusing on the engraving material, with converging points ensuring accuracy.

The laser head is detachable, with a handle for handheld use. The long cable at the back facilitates mobility. A cage ensures consistent focus during handheld operation. While this feature may not be frequently utilized, it adds versatility to the laser’s capabilities.

Overall, the B4 20W ماكينة فايبر ليزر offers a comprehensive set of features and controls, catering to both beginners and experienced users alike.

برمجة & Protection

لكن, it’s beneficial to have both options available. Operating the laser requires the use of a computer, utilizing either the free software called EZCAD or the paid software called Lightburn, which entails a one-time fee of $150. As the user is accustomed to برنامج لايت بيرن with all of his lasers, he will utilize it in this video as well.

Although the laser came with small metal sheets for testing purposes, he decides to use them as backing to conduct a material test engrave. This precautionary measure helps safeguard the work area in case of excessive heat or penetration through the metal. He recommends implementing this practice for every material to be engraved, as it streamlines the process and reduces guesswork.

For instance, he demonstrates engraving on a simple stainless steel card. The manual provides settings that can alter the color of the engraving on stainless steel, mainly by adjusting the frequency. He suggests having more examples for different materials would be helpful. Similarly, he conducts a material test on an aluminum business card, which unexpectedly results in a hole being burned through it, emphasizing the importance of conducting such tests.

Furthermore, it’s imperative to ensure proper ventilation when using the laser, particularly when burning metals, to avoid inhaling harmful fumes. He employs ducting and inline fans to expel the exhaust outside. Emphasizing safety, he advises wearing eye protection while operating the laser.

3D Testing

The outcome saw some improvement but remained imperfect, as is often the case with trial and error processes. For individuals engaged in jewelry making or metalworking, the laser proves invaluable for marking designs and cutting metals, offering functionality similar to the templates previously designed. لكن, the laser’s capabilities extend beyond those of templates by simultaneously marking parts and adding intricate details. With its ability to engrave deeply, concerns about wear over time are alleviated.

Moving on to deep engraving, the potential of 3D engraving is explored, which presents numerous possibilities and is surprisingly easy to execute. Utilizing a 3D file of the desired design, sourced from platforms like Printables, conversion into an image format compatible with the laser is necessary. A free converter simplifies this process, producing a grayscale image that serves as a depth map for the laser. Adjustments to important settings ensure proper engraving, with power and speed settings varying for different materials. A screenshot of these settings can serve as a reference for tutorial purposes.

The most crucial aspect is ensuring the image mode is set to 3D sliced. Additionally, ventilation is essential due to the generation of metal dust during the engraving process. Upon completion, the finished piece may be warm, requiring caution when handling. Detailed pieces can be obtained, as demonstrated with metal dust collection for potential reuse.

The versatility of the laser is further showcased by its ability to clean tools and remove rust, extending to larger objects when used handheld. Protecting the work area is simple, as the laser does not affect ordinary white paper. The high build quality and diverse capabilities of this laser setup make it a worthwhile investment, especially for business use. Despite its relatively high price tag of around $2,000 for the 20 W version, its longevity, with a claimed 100,000-hour lifespan, justifies its value, particularly for those utilizing it for profit.

cost performance of B4

ال 20 W laser unit is priced at approximately $2,000. For individuals intending to utilize it for business purposes and generate income, this price is considered reasonable. Particularly when compared to alternatives such as the Laser Pcker 4, which typically falls within a similar price range but offers only a 20 W laser, the value proposition of the B4 laser becomes evident. Despite the nearly $500 price difference, the B4 laser’s 20 W power significantly surpasses the Laser Pcker, resulting in superior performance and considerable time savings during engraving tasks.

Drawing from personal experience with various laser models, it’s concluded that the Commarker B4 presents the best value for money at present. Additionally, for users requiring even more power, the option of upgrading to a 100 W unit is available, albeit at a substantially higher cost of approximately $88,000. Nonetheless, as demonstrated, ال 20 W laser is capable of accomplishing a considerable amount.

Links to all discussed products will be provided in the video description for viewers to explore further. With that said, this concludes the video presentation. If there are any inquiries or comments, please feel free to leave them below, and responses will be provided promptly. Thank you for watching, and until next time, goodbye.

Many thanks to him for making and sharing his experience using commmarkerB4.

https://commarker.com/commarker-b4-3d-laser-engraving-on-metal/feed/ 0 3د - حفر المعادن بالليزر & أكثر بكثير nonadult
ما الذي يقوم به جهاز Commarker B4 60w mopa? https://commarker.com/ar/what-performs-the-commarker-b4-60w-mopa/ https://commarker.com/ar/what-performs-the-commarker-b4-60w-mopa/#respond Mon, 25 مارس 2024 05:52:38 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23847-ar يقدم نفسه على أنه رايان من Buster Beagle 3D, the reviewer proceeds to introduce the subject of his review: ال 60W Commarker B4 MOPA آلة وسم الألياف بالليزر. Highlighting its attributes, he describes it as a highly efficient tool capable of marking, engraving, sculpting, and even cutting various materials such as metals, البلاستيك, stones, and leather. With its 60W power output, it stands as his most powerful laser to date. علاوة على ذلك, owing to the MOPA JPT power source, it boasts enhanced versatility compared to conventional fiber lasers.

آلة الوسم بالليزر الليفي ComMarker B4 JPT MOPA

(1 رأي العميل)
$3,221 $2,899 يحفظ:$322

تتيح ألياف ComMarker B4 -MOPA JPT MOPA وضع علامات ملونة نابضة بالحياة على الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والنقش عالي التباين على الألومنيوم المؤكسد. لا

0 دوار
D69 روتاري
D80 دوار
الأسطوانة الدوارة
MOPA 20 واط
MOPA 30 واط
60 وات MOPA
موبا 100 واط

لكن, he acknowledges that such power, versatility, and speed (up to 10,000 مم/ثانية) come with a significant price tag of approximately $55,200 USD at the time of recording. He expresses his intent to explore the capabilities of this laser and share his thoughts on it.

Expressing gratitude to Commarker for providing him with the machine for an honest review, he discloses the presence of affiliate links in the video description, which may benefit the channel if viewers choose to make a purchase based on his review. Nevertheless, he assures that his opinion remains unbiased regardless of any potential affiliation.

The introduction concludes with a reference to his previous videos, hinting at a continuity of content for viewers familiar with his channel.

Mopa’s Laser Principle.

You may have come across the review I conducted on the laser’s smaller counterpart, also named the Commarker B4 for some reason. لكن, this machine differs significantly. Not only is it physically larger than the other B4, but it also utilizes a different laser power source known as a MOPA laser, standing for Master Oscillator Power Amplifier. Without delving into intricate technicalities, unlike regular diode or CO2 lasers that primarily rely on speed and power for engraving and cutting, a fiber laser incorporates power, speed, and frequency to mark surfaces.

With a MOPA fiber laser, an additional adjustable feature called pulse duration is introduced. This provides flexibility in working with different materials by delivering high energy in potentially shorter durations, thereby minimizing heat generation. This feature is particularly beneficial for engraving delicate materials like certain plastics that are sensitive to high heat. علاوة على ذلك, it can produce more reliable color results on stainless steel and titanium. The MOPA laser also offers a wider frequency range, providing more options for marking materials.

In terms of construction, the machine is a single unit, unlike its smaller counterpart. It’s evident that this laser machine brings a host of capabilities and advantages due to its MOPA technology, setting it apart from traditional laser systems.

Machine Features

In terms of features, the machine offers versatility and ease of use. Attaching the included focusing bracket allows for straightforward operation by holding the handle on the top. While it can be handheld, it’s not exactly portable due to its weight and the need for a computer connection to operate. Although handheld operation isn’t planned, it’s appreciated to have the option available if needed.

The head of the laser features buttons labeled “ر” for framing work and “م” for starting the job, providing convenient control options. Additionally, there’s a power button, along with buttons for adjusting the vertical movement of the laser and an emergency stop button for safety.

The machine comes with two different lenses, altering the workable area. ال 110 mm lens, installed by default, offers a workable area of approximately 110 mm x 110 مم. Switching to the 200 mm lens expands the workable area to about 200 mm x 200 مم, although with a larger and less powerful laser spot. Various interchangeable lenses, ranging from 70 mm to 200 مم, are available for further customization.

Two laser pointers in front of the lens aid in proper adjustment, ensuring convergence with the red laser at the correct focal height. A metal ruler provided by the company facilitates accurate measurement of the focal length. The base of the work area features spaced holes for screwing down angle brackets to secure workpieces. Optionally, these holes can accommodate a rotary tool for additional functionality.

An observation regarding the work area is the absence of pass-through holes seen in previous versions. بدلاً من, a metal plate has been added behind the holes to prevent debris from falling into the electronics below, indicating a design improvement for better maintenance and longevity.

Accessories and Specifications

The machine is accompanied by a box containing the driver for rotary tools, although a rotary tool itself is not included as standard. Different rotary tool designs are available for purchase as add-ons when ordering the machine. Additionally, the B4 model includes a foot pedal, facilitating easier and faster operation of batch jobs. Notably, the machine comes with a pair of safety glasses and a laser shield, a welcomed addition that enhances safety during operation.

Operating as a حفارة ليزر جالفو, the laser head remains stationary while tiny mirrors within the head adjust to direct the laser beam. This design enables the machine to achieve remarkable speeds, reaching up to 10,000 مم/ثانية. Available in various power options, including 20W, 30دبليو, and even 100W versions, the machine utilizes a JPT M7 MOPA laser source, known for its reliability and quality.

With a precision of up to 0.1 مم, the machine is capable of achieving extremely fine detail. As a fiber laser, it operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm, making it suitable for metals, البلاستيك, stones, and leather, but unsuitable for materials such as paper and wood. The machine can be controlled using both the provided EZCAD software and Lightburn. لكن, for برنامج لايت بيرن usage, a galvo license must be purchased separately.

Before delving into the jobs completed with the machine, it’s worth discussing the setup used during testing. This provides context for understanding the results showcased in subsequent demonstrations.


Lasers possess considerable power, capable of engraving metals by vaporizing the surface, creating metal dust. It’s imperative to have an effective fume or dust extraction system in place to avoid inhaling these particles. While Commarker offers an enclosure and fume extractor, their efficacy remains untested by the speaker. For personal use, the speaker constructed a small enclosure from a wooden box, initially crafted on another حفارة ليزر ديود. Secured to a base plate, the box features a top hole to accommodate the Galvo laser head. A latchable door at the front provides access, while a variable-speed fan aids in dust and fume extraction. Connected to a powerful inline fan, the setup efficiently removes particles to an outdoor filter. Additionally, a camera is mounted inside for job monitoring, with a fin plate or heat sink underneath to dissipate heat and protect the work surface. Although this setup is detailed for informational purposes, alternatives may suffice depending on individual preferences. An SVG file of the enclosure is provided in the video description for those interested. The speaker’s initial exploration with the machine focuses on achieving colors on stainless steel.

الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ

Colors can be achieved on stainless steel using less expensive diode lasers, but the consistency obtained with the MOPA laser is unmatched. By joining the Laser Master Class and Commarker Facebook groups, the speaker discovered test files for marking color on stainless steel. Initially, a color swatch test found in the Commarker group was conducted using EZCAD to ensure the machine’s functionality, yielding satisfactory results. Subsequently, a Cadillac keychain test from the same group was executed, producing pleasing colors. To work primarily in Lightburn, the speaker replicated the EZCAD test values in Lightburn, ensuring parity between the two software. Additional tests and colors were explored based on findings from the Laser Master Class Facebook group.

The results revealed a variety of vibrant colors, albeit some being angle-dependent. Leveraging this knowledge, a color engraving of Mario’s head was created with adjustments made to achieve satisfactory results, except for the red in the hat. While the Mario image cannot be released due to copyright restrictions, a public domain Mickey Mouse file was utilized to demonstrate color engraving capabilities. With the same settings obtained from previous tests, a color version of Mickey Mouse was successfully engraved, showcasing impressive colors and detail. The Lightburn file for Mickey Mouse will be provided in the video description for public access.

Stainless Steel Tests

After feeling confident with the color settings, the speaker proceeded to conduct image tests on stainless steel. Employing similar values as the color test, a highly detailed image of a motorcycle was successfully engraved onto the metal surface. Further experimentation with the values is deemed necessary, as some results were heavily dependent on viewing angles, while others appeared too dark overall. Despite this, the speaker expressed satisfaction with the overall outcome of the tests, acknowledging room for further tweaking and improvement.

Brass Coins 3D engraving

the speaker moved on to their favorite activity with fiber lasers: 3D engraving. This process involves converting a 3D model into a height map, which can be sliced in Lightburn, similar to how a 3D printer operates. For this task, a brass coin blank purchased from Amazon was utilized. Initially, a highly detailed file sourced from the Laser Masterclass Facebook group was attempted, although it proved almost too intricate upon completion. Subsequently, a file specifically designed for this purpose, acquired from Etsy, was employed with the same settings, yielding impressive results. The speaker expressed enthusiasm for 3D engraving due to its capability for intricate detail.

Dust removal was emphasized as essential during 3D engraving, given the pulverized material generated during the process. Moving on from coins, the speaker conducted an aluminum business card test, a task well-suited for fiber lasers. The machine’s included material pack contained such cards, among other test products, with a thickness of almost half a millimeter. The speaker successfully engraved a dog image onto one of these cards using Lightburn, achieving excellent results.

With the engraving tasks completed, the speaker expressed an interest in trying card cutting next.

Card Cutting

For the card cutting experiment, the speaker decided to test the machine’s power by cutting a design out of a card. They utilized an image of an eagle purchased from Etsy and applied the same settings used for engraving, followed by a cutting operation. The cutting was executed at a speed of 2500 مم/ثانية, with 100% قوة, a 60 kHz frequency, 200 nond C pulse, و 1500 passes. Given that Lightburn has a maximum limit of 500 passes, the job was run three times consecutively to achieve the desired result. The speed was indeed remarkable, with the footage capturing the process without any alterations. لكن, the camera accidentally obstructed the laser during filming, prompting the speaker to consider incorporating the residual parts into the design as a stand for the artwork. Subsequently, they intentionally left a tab in the design for this purpose, which proved successful.

Additionally, the speaker conducted another test where the cut was fully removed from the card, yielding satisfactory results. أخيراً, the last test performed on the machine involved experimenting with plastic, although they acknowledged the need for further tests in this regard.

Plastics Testing

In the plastic tests, the speaker aimed to gather data on various materials to establish a comprehensive catalog of settings. Although further experimentation is required, the initial outcomes show promise. They conducted tests on different materials to assess their suitability. Two tests were conducted on travel power bricks, both utilizing identical settings. لكن, the results varied significantly: one appeared white, while the other appeared dark. This discrepancy demonstrates that the type of plastic used greatly influences the outcome of the markings.


Overall, the speaker expressed satisfaction with the performance of the machine. They acknowledged that working with fiber lasers, especially those with MOPA functionality, may have a steeper learning curve compared to standard diode or CO2 lasers. لكن, for tasks such as metal marking, engraving, or cutting, fiber lasers offer significant advantages. They emphasized the valuable learning resources available on platforms like the Laser Everything YouTube channel, which provides tutorials and power-speed libraries for beginners.

Regarding cost, the speaker noted that while the reviewed 60W MOPA laser is not cheap, there are options available with lower power and without MOPA capabilities that could be more affordable for those with different needs. They highlighted that the choice ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the user.

In conclusion, the 60W B4 MOPA laser from ComMarker is recommended for those seeking MOPA functionality and features such as consistent colors on stainless steel and a wide range of shades on different plastics. The speaker expressed gratitude to ComMarker for providing the machine for an honest review and invited viewers to explore affiliate links in the description for further support. They closed by thanking the audience for watching, encouraging engagement with the content, and promising more videos on حفارة الليزر, 3D printing, injection molding, and other maker-related topics in the future.

Many thanks to speaker Buster Beagle 3D® for sharing the video he made with us. To watch more videos about him, please click this link https://youtu.be/V1Ks6x_YDZU?الميزة = مشتركة

https://commarker.com/what-performs-the-commarker-b4-60w-mopa/feed/ 0 ComMarker B4 MOPA 60W Fiber Laser Marking Machine Review nonadult
ثاني أكسيد الكربون مقابل ألياف الليزر: ماهو الفرق? https://commarker.com/ar/co2-vs-fiber-laser-what-is-the-difference/ https://commarker.com/ar/co2-vs-fiber-laser-what-is-the-difference/#respond Fri, 22 مارس 2024 00:57:48 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23572-ar If you’re considering getting a حفارة الليزر for your customized business or you’re an industrialist seeking to level up your manufacturing game, you might be confused between CO2 and Fiber lasers.

Wonder what difference these two laser technologies –Fiber laser and CO2 laser possess?

حسنًا, the big difference comes down to what they’re good at and how they work. In simpler terms, each has its own capabilities and laser strengths, especially when it’s about processing certain materials, thicknesses, and particular applications. Ultimately, all that matters is the material and work requirements in hand.

This blog post will give you a closer look at each of these machines, along with its pros and cons, so that you can make an informed decision.

The Basis of Laser Technology

The laser engraving technology, which is a pinnacle of efficiency and precision, has changed the game of how we used to put patterns and designs onto objects, making modern manufacturing and creative craftsmanship reach unprecedented levels of intricacy and sophistication so that everything looks super elegant.

Yet, within this umbrella, two technological marvels emerge—Fiber and CO2, each with distinct wavelength and capabilities. At a glance, they may share the same purpose of marking design onto the piece of material, but their difference is as stark as day and night.

Take CO2 laser as the master of organic materials that effortlessly work through جلد, خشب, سيراميك, الأكريليك, and glass with finesse and grace.

Meanwhile, ال آلة النقش بالليزر الليفي stand tall as a sovereign of metals that take it concentrated laser beam penetrating steel, aluminium, ذهب, فضة, and brass with unmatched accuracy.

There’s no doubt that the efficiency and versatility of both of these technologies have made them indispensable tools in multiple fields as diverse as automotive, طبي, aerospace, مجوهرات, and signage.

If they’re compared based on technical criteria, they’re dictated by the wavelength they operate at and the material they’re best suited for. A fiber laser usually has a wavelength of 1,060 nm, while CO2 lasers have wavelengths in the 10,600 nm range. In general, fiber lasers have many advantages over CO2 lasers.

This fundamental contrast in their strength shapes the choice of artisans and industries alike, determining its optimal use for realizing their creative visions and manufacturing needs.

Section 1: Differences Based on Technology and Operation

-Understanding The CO2 Laser Engravers

While your CO2 laser is at work, know that there’s a system working based on the principle of stimulated emission of radiation within a carbon dioxide gas mixture. This exactly made the system work when the CO2 gas mixture is energized within a sealed tube using an electric current discharge.

The excitement of these gas molecules causes them to reach higher energy states, followed by the emission of photons, resulting in an amplification of light within the laser cavity and, ultimately, a coherent and concentrated light beam.

The wavelength at which the CO2 laser engraver operates falls in the mid of the infrared range, recording a wavelength of 10.6 micrometres (µm). This range has significant implications for material interaction during engraving, allowing خشب, جلد, ceramic, زجاج, cloth, and acrylic to be ideal substrates for light absorption.

لكن, metals are not their good friend, because the long wavelength makes them insufficient in penetrating the metal surfaces, where less precise engravings and slower processes are often the results.

آلة الوسم بالليزر CO2 من ComMarker

$3,869 $3,482 يحفظ:$387

نظام النقش والنقش بالليزر CO2 Galvo الرائد في الصناعة يختلف عن آلة النقش بليزر الألياف ,آلة الوسم بالليزر CO2 تعتمد CO2 RF

60ث (20 نقطة)

– Understanding Fiber Laser Engravers

While we scrutinize the workings of Fiber laser marking machine, we come to know that they’re a product of modern optical engineering and are distinguished by their utilization of doped Fiber optic cables. Within these cables lies the unique infusion of rare-earth elements that give the Fiber its laser-making powers.

Here’s how it works– the operation mechanism of Fiber engravers begins with the introduction of energy within the doped Fiber, activated through either electrical stimulation or optical excitement. This infusion of energy causes a state of heightened activity among the embedded rare-earth elements, أيّ, as a result, تنبعث منها الفوتونات, generating coherent and concentrated laser beam characteristics of Fiber models.

Unlike its CO2 counterparts, Fiber laser systems discharge light at significantly shorter wavelengths, typically at 1060 nm, located near the infrared spectrum. This divergence in wavelength, a reason for their distinct operational principle and materials, allows this laser unit to be compatible with all metal substrates.

Metals, being receptive to these shorter wavelengths, respond well to the laser beam, rendering the Fiber laser system unparalleled in efficacy with engraving on نحاس, aluminum, ذهب, الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ, فضة, and leather, you name it.

Thus, both of these technologies are a testament to their intricate interplay of wavelength and material interaction, given that our CO2 laser is a perfect machine for processing organic materials and the B4 Fiber laser as a top choice for application in the category of metalwork.

كومماركر B4 – 20ث/30 واط/50 واط/60 واط/100 واط ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر&ماكينة النقش على العلامات بالليزر

(11 آراء العملاء)
$1,999 $1,799 يحفظ:$200

B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية سرعة النقش 20 واط قوة الليزر ComMarker B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية

0 دوار
D69*1 دوارة
D69 + D80 الروتاري
D80 دوار

Section 2: Differences Based on Application and Material Compatibility

– CO2 Lasers Engravers

B4 30W CO2 Laser Marking Machine - Decoration
آلة الوسم بالليزر CO2 B4 30W – زخرفة

This CO2 gas-based machine, owning to its remarkable precision and engraving capabilities, allows effective interaction with a range of organic materials, including جلد, خشب, زجاج, سيراميك, cloth and fabric.

Imagine those leather wallets with your names engraved or your wood plaque home decor ornament that highlights your family’s fame. But that’s not all— the wine glasses appearing on your dinner table can be upgraded by engraving some artistic pattern or themed quotes using our CO2 laser machine.

Operating at power levels of 60W and marking at a wavelength of 10.6 nm, they’re great for getting absorbed by most of these surfaces.

What’s cool is that their excellent quality laser beam offers a more precise and controlled surface removal of these material surfaces, opening up its extensive use in many sectors such as education, industry, small business, and even home enthusiasts.

The longer wavelength of the CO2 laser ensures it gets deeper into the material, serving as a veritable tool for artisans, craftsmen, and industrialists alike, opening various paths of creativity with its focused brilliance.

Here are some key areas where it excels the best.

B4 30W CO2 Laser Marking Machine - Decoration
آلة الوسم بالليزر CO2 B4 30W – زخرفة
  • CO2 Laser For Industrial Application-Marking And Cutting

The CO2 laser technique finds its intensive use in material قطع, perforating wood and acrylic with more accuracy than mechanical or chemical methods. Its high-speed cutting feature with minimum thermal distortion makes it a preferable choice for many industrial fabrication, automotive manufacturing, and signage production.

These machines can be employed for engraving product packaging, tags, labels, product information, and safety warnings. ال 10,600 range wavelength when work directly on materials, produces durable and temper-resistant labeling solutions for packaged goods.

الكل في الكل, the short setup time, decreased labor costs, and fast production runs are a few of the main reasons that carbon dioxide lasers are so widely used for industrial applications. Even your favorite carved patterns on architectural panels, barcodes, part numbers, and decorative elements on parts and products are possible with these machines.

  • CO2 Laser for Custom Engraving on Organic Material: 

The CO2 laser is the master tool for transforming an ordinary item into a unique piece of art, far exceeding what traditional engravers do. It works through the material by the high-quality laser beam that removes the top layer of the surface, leaving concave traces therein with an accuracy measure in 0.01mm.

Surprisingly, this intricate working equipment becomes a valuable tool for detailed engravings, custom marking, and product traceability on the workpiece without damaging the surrounding material.

لذا, whether it’s achieving complex geometries and subtle patterns, this one is ideal for applications requiring fine processing.

Your apparel, leather patches or wood kitchenware are all good substrates for personalised markings and engravings using our CO2 lasers.

  • CO2 Laser for Architectural and Interior Design:

CO2 lasers stand high for their high level of performance. These machines can be programmed and adjusted to suit a variety of materials and application requirements, giving rise to the architectural department.

Operators can design their own models, decor ornaments, or decorative elements and easily transfer them onto organic surfaces. This is particularly valuable for creating unique and personalised home decor products.

– ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر

This optical-based laser technology is an undisputed champion mastering in the field of metal processing with high efficiency, reliability, and precision, opening its doors for various commercial and industrial applications such as metal cutting, welding, and additive manufacturing.

كوماركرحفارة المعادن بالليزر offer a narrow wavelength range, typically around 1.06 micrometres, which is well-suited for processing metals and other reflective materials. Their superior beam quality allows for precise and fine-detail work, making them a preferred choice in the السيارات, مجوهرات, aerospace, and electronics industries.

لذا, whether it’s a metal coin, your jewelry piece, or a metallic stainless steel tumbler to keep you hydrated during the gym, these engravers can make them custom-made while keeping every minute detailing exactly in place.

What’s incredible is that it’s completely versatile, so it shines through as it effortlessly tackles various metal thicknesses and types, solidifying its position as the perfect equipment for your precise metalwork across industries.

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  • Fiber Laser For Jewellery Marking

Fiber laser is the most efficient solution to turn your unique jewellery pieces into meticulously crafted and personalised masterpieces, reflecting your individuality and elegance. لذا, be it your wedding dates engraved on rings or your initials on your pendant or bracelet, our B4 Fiber laser machine makes your life easier.

Even jewellery brands can leverage this technology to mark logos, trademarks, and brand names on these pieces to establish brand authenticity and identity.

  • Fiber Laser For the Industrial Sector

Fibre lasers’ versatility, كفاءة, and top-class precision span a wide range of applications. Take the automotive sector, for instance; these machines are employed for serial numbering, part identification, and branding of engines and chassis.

Not just that, the electronic industry finds its practicality for marking QR codes and serial numbers on electric circuit boards and other components, facilitating traceability and quality control.

  • Fiber Laser for Custom Metal Engraving

Fiber laser engraving services are extensively beneficial for both commercial and personal applications, catering to individual customers, businesses and industries altogether. You can be creative with your designs, and Fiber Laser can make this a reality for you.

Dog tags, metal cutleries or stainless steel tumblers make our machine work through engraving fine details, القوام, and shading effects to create aesthetically pleasing custom artwork, signage, architectural elements and home decor.

Section 3: Differences Based on Efficiency and Maintenance

–The CO2 Laser

CO2 has traditionally been a reliable product in the landscape of laser technology, attributed to its robust performance and versatility across a range of materials. لكن, when analyzing its energy consumption and efficiency, it tends to lean towards the low end of the spectrum.

What we mean here is that CO2 needs significant laser power to sustain its operations, so it can end up using more energy compared to other types of lasers. The reason is that CO2 lasers are gas-based systems; for them to produce light, high voltages need to pass through gas-filled tubes, increasing the energy in gas particles and thus creating photons.

While they certainly do their best job with their intense power, they don’t exceed the efficiency level similar to what their counterparts do.  Simply put, CO2 lasers lose by far on energy efficiency with a 10-15% power conversion rate vs. ال 30-50% achieved by Fiber lasers.

When it comes to maintenance parts, this may get you under periodic servicing and replacement of consumables, gas refilling expenses, and wear and tear of components.

– The Fiber Laser

Conversely, Fiber laser engraving machine emerge as a shining beacon of energy efficiency and productivity in the laser world that need up to 50% less electricity than CO2 lasers due to their simpler, more efficient design, making them indispensable tools in today’s fast-paced manufacturing and fabrication environments.

Unlike the CO2 laser, this type of machine boasts a solid-state design that maximizes energy utilization and minimizes wastage. By leveraging its Fiber optic technology and semiconductor components, they run with remarkable energy efficiency and significantly consume less power without compromising the overall performance.

This marked efficiency translates into operational benefits for users, including reduced running expenses and environmental impact, making it the go-to tool for those seeking sustainability with quality.

But wait, it’s not over yet; the solid-state Fiber laser doesn’t even burden you with any maintenance needs, further increasing its appeal in commercial and industrial settings. With fewer moving parts and no need for gas replenishment, this offers increased uptime, allowing operators to stay more focused on the application and less on maintenance tasks.

Section 4: Differences Based on Cost Considerations

Let’s come to the most important factor, the cost analysis, where dollars and cents are your criteria for judgment when choosing laser engraving technology for your work.

Initial investment

  • CO2: They’re lighter on the wallet, meaning they charge you with a lower initial investment. This makes it an attractive option for businesses with budget constraints or those who’re just starting out.
  • Fiber: The advanced optical Fiber technology and superior performance make Fiber laser models cost a bit higher at first; لكن, the no-maintenance and operational benefits may compensate for those prices.

Operating Costs:

  • CO2: Despite their lower upfront costs, they tend to incur operational costs over time in the form of consumables, gas refilling, والصيانة, adding to ongoing costs.
  • Fiber: Fiber lasers fall under the cost-effective category for all metal engraving applications and some surfaces of plastic and leather with the utmost accuracy. Their operational benefits are tremendous; thus, it’s the most economical and staple tool for engraving.

Section 5: Comparable Chart of the Overall Attributes of Fiber Laser Versus The CO2 Laser Machines

There’s no doubt that CO2 and Fiber lasers are indispensable tools in modern manufacturing, yet they exhibit distinct characteristics that influence their suitability for various tasks.

For your understanding and convenience, we’ve examined them on essential parameters such as wavelength, energy efficiency, beam quality, operating costs, versatility, maintenance requirements, environmental impact, cooling needs, and application suitability so that you can be sure what to select for your needs.

ParametersFiber Laserليزر ثاني أكسيد الكربون
Wavelength1.06 µm10.6 µm
Beam QualityExceptional high, characterized by excellent focusability, strong beam diameter and low divergenceComparably low due to resonator design and longer wavelength, 
Energy EfficiencyRelatively HigherRelatively Lower
Operating CostsDue to solid-state design, it’s pretty lowerDue to maintenance requirements and gas consumption, it’s quite higher
براعهVersatile for any range of metals, leather and plasticWork around a wide range of wood, زجاج, سيراميك, أكريليك, and fabric
Maintenance RequirementsNo maintenanceRegular optics cleaning and gas refills
Environmental ImpactThe high energy efficiency means it has a lower environmental footprint.The gas emissions and consumption make it detrimental to the environment
Cooling RequirementsThe compact design and efficiency make it too minimumThe water cooling systems make it a bit higher
Application SuitabilityJewellery marking, Custom metal Engraving, 2.5D marking, electronic and automotive parts fabrication.Wood decor customization, architectural modelling, leather patch crafts, and glass surface treatment.

How to Choose the Right Laser for Your Needs?

Opting for an appropriate laser system for your engraving projects demands a thoughtful evaluation of various factors, ensuring they align optimally with your specific requirements and objectives.

Here’s a breakdown of what you should consider when navigating through the myriad choices of laser engravers.

Material Compatibility

Begin your efforts by identifying what material you’re working with. For instance, if your work is all about processing organic materials such as wood, جلد, سيراميك, زجاج, and acrylic, go for our CO2 laser, as it got a shorter wavelength and optimal material interaction with non-metallic surfaces.

Conversely, if your nature of work predominantly involves metal surfaces such as steel, نحاس, ذهب, or aluminium,  our B4 Fiber laser system is your go-to-choice for sleek engraving action.

Production Volume

This factor asks you to consider the anticipated production volume as to how many items you’re going to engrave. If you’re into the precision business with a lot of small batches, then the CO2 laser is your definite tool, but if you’re into big numbers in a hurry, especially with metals, your آلة النقش بالليزر الليفي is the speed powerhouse you need.

Scalability and Versatility

Think about your anticipated growth and evolving operational need and ask yourself: Will your need change? Choose a laser that grows with you, meaning the one that offers scalability and versatility to accommodate potential expansions and diversification of your product offerings.

You can even look for options for laser machine-compatible accessories or add-ons to enhance its capabilities so you can keep up with your evolving hustle.

Long-term Operational Costs and Maintenance

This factor is really a matter of consideration; therefore, evaluate where the cost-benefit comparison of the laser system is in your favour. Generally, while CO2 machines offer you lower upfront costs, they may incur higher operational expenses over time, often due to consumables or maintenance requirements.

In contrast, Fiber lasers have higher upfront costs, but they boast very little to no maintenance, making them a cost-effective tool in the long run and likely to be more efficient with high-volume jobs.

Precision Requirement

Lastly, ask yourself, are you a detail-oriented person who prefers fine patterns and clear lines or someone who can compromise the quality? Know that CO2 nails it with intricate designs and artistic craftsmanship on wood and acrylic, and Fiber lasers excel with crisp, clear engraving on metal surfaces.


As laser technology has appeared in recent years, it has made a revolutionary breakthrough in many industries. Laser, in their standard prototypes, either CO2 or Fiber, has indeed made huge technological leaps, but one thing still confuses us: how different they are.

Upon realizing the working science and, what we also learned from this blog is that each machine is different in its suitability for different materials and tasks. In fact, these types of laser source technology have variations in quality, type, قوة, and versatility.

The most highlighted difference between Fiber and CO2 laser markers is the wavelength of light they produce. Short wavelengths typically have more energy and a higher absorption rate than long wavelengths. As a result, a laser’s wavelength affects its ability to mark certain materials.

Lasers with these distinct functional capabilities have shown their effectiveness across various domains, not even leaving a basic DIY enthusiast.

https://commarker.com/co2-vs-fiber-laser-what-is-the-difference/feed/ 0
ما مدى العمق الذي يمكن أن تحفره ألياف الليزر على المعدن؟? https://commarker.com/ar/how-deep-can-a-fiber-laser-engrave-metal/ https://commarker.com/ar/how-deep-can-a-fiber-laser-engrave-metal/#respond Thu, 21 مارس 2024 05:53:47 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23565-ar هل سبق لك أن لاحظت علامات العملات المعدنية أو الأنماط البارزة على الألواح المعدنية؟? They’re some prime workings of Fiber laser models that go deep into metals to produce embossed results.

The way these laser optics have refashioned how metals are now precisely carved and marked with pinpoint accuracy is remarkable, but here’s a burning question: “How Deep Can these cutting-edge laser machines engrave metal?"

Now, before we move ahead, it’s crucial for one to know that the depth Fiber laser marking machine can reach depends on a bunch of things, such as material structural composition, laser parameters, and surface preparation.

Once you’ve got a clear understanding of what depth it can go, you can work your creativity across many domains and leverage this for multiple applications, so let’s buckle up and delve together into the science of advanced optical principles and high-powered laser beams so you can squeeze the last drop of potential out of these machines for engraving metal.

Understanding Fiber Lasers

When you enter the engraving world, you’ll probably hear about Fiber laser systems being the most talked about. This is because they’re the most stable choice for marking, which makes use of optical fiber to amplify light and create an incredibly powerful beam that works around multiple sets of materials.

Here’s how it works– the process all starts with the activation of tiny fibers packed with laser-active materials when the power supply is provided. This excitement allows them to emit photons (tiny particles of light ) that bounce back and forth inside the fiber, getting more amplified with each bounce. When they’re at their peak, they burst out of the fiber as a concentrated laser beam.

The reason why you should consider Fiber laser machine as your first choice can be justified by their host of amazing benefits. First off, these laser models, especially the ComMarker B4 model, are super precise and accurate. You can even relate to the microscopic-level precision here. This means you can carve out even the tiny details on metal surfaces without compromising quality.

Not only that, but these powerful systems are crazily fast, processing through materials in the blink of an eye. This speediness allows operators to save time and work on more pieces in less time, so you can easily cater to higher volume jobs.

And let’s not forget about versatility. Fiber laser units are compatible with a wide range of metals, including stainless steel, aluminium, نحاس, and every metal you name. So this would be exciting news for one working with jewelry, custom signage, industrial parts, or product traceability, taking the engraving game to a whole new level.

كومماركر B4 – 20ث/30 واط/50 واط/60 واط/100 واط ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر&ماكينة النقش على العلامات بالليزر

(11 آراء العملاء)
$1,999 $1,799 يحفظ:$200

B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية سرعة النقش 20 واط قوة الليزر ComMarker B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية

0 دوار
D69*1 دوارة
D69 + D80 الروتاري
D80 دوار

Factors Influencing Engraving Depth

While standing at the helm of our B4 Fiber laser system, ready to carve your favorite piece of metal into a masterpiece, we’ll all know that all it takes is just the press of a start button. But wait, while you’re dealing with depths, it’s not as easy as it seems.

There are various factors that influence this engraving part, and it’s a way too crucial for the operator to understand all these parameters beforehand.


– Power Of The Laser: How Wattage Affects Depth

It’s pretty sensible that laser power is the core component of the system that acts just like the engine of a car. It denotes the energy a laser beam delivers within a specific timeframe, and it varies according to the laser type and architecture.

Know that this parameter is the most crucial to meet cycle time requirements. A 500W laser may not be five times faster than a 100W, but it’s still much faster.

Spanning from a few watts to several kilowatts, the machine’s laser power would make you roughly calculate the intensity of the beam, thereby affecting the engraving processes’ speed, depth, دقة, and versatility.

Machines with more horsepower and wattage can etch thicker metal going deep at an approximate depth of 0.3mm and create more intricate designs faster, so If you’ve got an engraving metal that’s thicker and harder, grab a higher-powered machine such as the 100W B4 آلة النقش بالليزر الليفي and get your job done.

Most deep engraving applications require at least 100W. At ComMarker, we provide different types of lasers. Our high-power Fiber laser starts at 100W. We also offer a 20W, 30دبليو, and 60W fiber laser, a less powerful range for sensitive metals.

– Type Of Metal: Variations In Metal Properties And Their Impact

When you plan to engrave metal, the same working formula isn’t applicable to all. Each metal has its own set of properties, and when the laser beam interacts with them, it responds differently to each of them.

Metals properties, from hardness to conductivity, can either make engraving a breeze or a bit of a challenge. Stainless steel, على سبيل المثال, might need a bit more energy from the laser to get those depths just right, while softer metals like aluminum might require a lighter touch.

– Speed Of Engraving: Balancing Speed And Depth

It’s quite common to confuse speed with frequency, but they’re two different parameters. Frequency is how many times the laser beam hits the target in a given period, whereas speed refers to the speed at which the laser beam moves.

A slower speed means that the laser beam remains longer over the same area, resulting in an increase in the amount of energy in that area, allowing you to engrave deeper and faster.

But there’s a point where too much energy may overheat and discolor the surface. That is to say, finding a delicate balance between going fast enough to be efficient yet slow enough for those marks to sink in just right. Too slow, and you risk burning through the metal; too fast, and you might not get the depth you’re looking for.

As you work with deep engraving, keep this general rule in mind: reduce the engraving speed of the machine so you can extend the time the laser stays on the surface of the object, allowing for greater penetration into the metal.

– Focus Of The Laser: Optimizing Laser Focus For Depth

As surprising as it may sound, the focal lens of the Fiber laser machine is also one of the impacting forces of deep metal engraving.

Just like your camera lens, where you focus it right to make all the difference, optimizing the focus of the laser, you let every ounce of fiber energy to concentrate exactly where you need it, maximizing the depth of your engraving and leaving a lasting impression.

The Lenses control how the laser beam is focused, and only a highly focused beam can reach the intensity required for deep engraving. Using the right lens can effectively double the engraving speed.

Typical Depths Achievable with Fiber Lasers

In reference to distinguished material properties and their alternative responses to laser energy, the estimation of the marking depth that can be achieved with these laser machines also varies.

We already understand that laser parameters and application-specific requirements also affect laser marking depth, so keeping that in mind, here are the maximum depths achievable with various common materials:


  • Steel: Laser marking on steel can typically achieve a depth of 0.01mm to 0.5 مم, but this can alter as per the steel’s composition, surface finish, and laser parameters. This depth can get you to mark clear and durable patterns, الشعارات, serial numbers or other identifiers on steel surfaces without compromising the structural integrity.
  • Aluminum: Compared to steel, aluminum has reflective properties that typically result in shallower marks, ranging in depth from approximately 0.3mm with 30W power. Anodized aluminum surfaces can sometimes provide deeper marks due to their enhanced surface reaction with the laser.
  • فضة: Silver is known for its shining appearance, enabling marking depths between 0.01mm and 0.2mm. Due to its high reflectivity, achieving deeper marks may require specific laser settings and techniques.
  • Brass: It’s a copper-zinc alloy that gets the fiber laser beam get absorbed upto 1.06 microns. It has some good heat dissipation properties, so engraving become very handy. Though it is a highly reflective material, it will only be worked by our Fiber laser model.

 Maximizing Engraving Depth

Maximizing engraving depths on metal is like unlocking the hidden treasures of Fiber laser machines. With higher peak power and focus length adjustability, they work tremendously well with metals and produce high contrast and deep marks.

With that said, there’s still a need to navigate some areas carefully to ensure success. Here are some tips to ensure you achieve those engravings while maintaining the quality.

Consider Material Composition:

When the task of engraving is performed, all it comes down to the material used during the process. It’s well understood that not all metals are created equal. Metals that are susceptible to corrosion are more difficult to engrave.

Deep engraving stainless steel and iron fall into this category. Both iron and stainless steel corrode faster from an exposed inside. Especially since stainless steel naturally has a protective layer, the engraving disrupts it.

If you plan to use a deep metal laser engraving machine on these metal types, consider adding an anti-corrosion seal after engraving.

Use Multiple Passes:

Sometimes, getting your laser beam to pass through the metal once is not just enough; it requires your Fiber lasers to perform multiple passes to achieve your desired level of output. In such cases, gradually increasing the laser power and allowing multiple engraving sessions is all you need for that level of depth. Meanwhile, you do have control over the process just to maintain the quality.

Optimizing Laser Settings:

Fine-tuning the laser parameters is the optimal secret to achieving deep engraving. Find the sweet spot between frequency, قوة, speed and focus of the Fiber laser system to have metals pop like a masterpiece. You can experiment with different settings as a test to strike the perfect balance between depth and quality.

Select Shorter Focal Length:

Since the lens contributes majorly to the engraving task, picking the right one is what it entails. The right one means here lens with a shorter focal length to let the concentration of the laser beam be more tightly, allowing for a deeper penetration into the metal.

Cooling and Ventilation:

Deep engraving can simply translate as the high heat emitting process; arranging for cooling equipment and a well-ventilated working space becomes a necessary part of your task. This practice would significantly prevent metal from overheating and ensure consistent quality, especially at greater depths.

Consistent Monitoring and Adjustment Upon Need

Since deep metal engraving is a delicate task, your attentive eye should witness this all as the machine goes deeper. Keep a check on the beam quality, surface temperature, and engraving depths, and be ready for any immediate adjustment to the settings or techniques as to maintain the quality throughout the process.

Applications Requiring Deep Engraving

Opting for Fiber laser systems as your choice of tool for deep metal engraving opens up many avenues across a multitude of industries and applications. لذا, whether you be a contractor, industrial manufacturer, site manager, or even someone with a spark of creativity, this machine serves all.

Not only do you get to see these machines showing their potential in commercial or industrial setups, but this has far reached the doors of creative homeowners.

Let’s explore each with more detail.

– Industrial Uses:

In the industrial realm, deep metal engraving is all about functionality. Imagine those engraving machines intricately marking bar codes and serial numbers on workpieces for traceability, brand logos stamping on products for identity, or even compliance markings to show they meet regulatory standards.

And while your grocery cashier scans through your products, the barcodes you see are the result of deep laser engravings, making the whole process much smoother and more efficient.

Even the fine jewelry you purchase for your loved one with engraved messages, personalized inscriptions, or a person’s initial– these are all crafted by deep engraving technique, so those receiving them can find them unique and meaningful.

Your aerospace, electronic, and medical industry isn’t out of this. The deep marking facilitates these industries for assembly, maintenance, and branding of these equipment, leaving a durable and precise mark that holds both aesthetic and sentimental value.

– Artistic Applications: Customization And Decorative Engraving

In the category where creativity and artistry prevail, deep laser engraving emerges as a captivating medium where the collaboration of laser technology and craftsmanship yields breathtaking results.

Every pulse of the laser beam hits with accurate precision and depth as artists get down with their حفارة المعادن بالليزر to mark inert metal surfaces, turning them into jaw-dropping pieces of beauty right in front of your eyes.

Whether it’s enhancing your everyday metal objects like tumblers, keychains, or dog tags or even marking your favorite metal phone cases, cutlery, or watches, deep engraving seamlessly integrates into these objects, serving practical, aesthetic, and personalization purposes in various domains.

 Limitations and Challenges


– Physical Limits To Engraving Depth With Fiber Lasers

When leveraging Fiber laser models as your engraving tool for deep metal engraving, there are some hurdles and roadblocks to watch out for. First off, the physical constraints of the machine to reach a certain depth point and the strength of the metal to absorb the laser beam put you in a major thought process.

Though our Fiber laser models are well-designed to carve metals with intricacy, there’s always a limit to how far they can go deep without things getting messy.

This depth science completely changes as the laser parameters vary, such as laser power, wavelength, pulse duration, and the type of metal put into place. Exceeding these depth limits may make your engravings a whole disaster, and you can end up having metals with inconsistent marks.

– Technical Challenges In Deep Engraving

Fiber lasers are powerful tools that often need your technical proficiency to be at a higher level. By this, we mean the skill and patience to do this kind of engraving job. Deep metal engraving requires perfect laser parameters adjustment, thereby demanding an operator to prevent the laser beam from going too shallow or even not too deep.

هنا, it’s all about maintaining consistency. If the heat goes too high, too much of it can cause everything out of the track, making your metal warp or your engraving look faulty. لذا, juggling between the perfect laser settings in terms of speed and power is crucial to remain under control.

أيضًا, the variation of metals has different responses under the laser beam, so what might work for one might not work for another. It’s all about activating your technical abilities to master this skill of art.


As we’ve seen, حفارة ليزر are such versatile machines that have found their way into almost every industry. Serving as tools for engraving, قطع, welding, and texturing, to name a few, it has a lot of practical and industrial applications.

Amidst its processing methods, deep laser engraving stands out as a subtype of engraving that calls for different settings than typical engraving. لكن, that doesn’t mean you need a different machine. Though the working principle is almost the same, they’re likely to differ in laser power and speed.

Deep engravers take just a lil bit more time to create an impression on metal components and Instruments. لكن, the engraving depth is so clean and impressive that it gives a significant visual effect and a great feel to the touch.

https://commarker.com/how-deep-can-a-fiber-laser-engrave-metal/feed/ 0
النقش المعدني العميق بالليزر لصنع السكين | كومماركر بي 4 20 وات https://commarker.com/ar/deep-metal-etching-laser-for-knife-making-commarker-b4-20w/ https://commarker.com/ar/deep-metal-etching-laser-for-knife-making-commarker-b4-20w/#respond Tue, 19 مارس 2024 05:54:38 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23237-ar الإخراج من العلبة & Safety

All right, welcome back to the Redbeard Ops Workshop . اليوم, he is going to be reviewing a fiber laser from ComMarker. He had seen some other YouTubers using كومماركر B4 آلة الحفر بالليزر , and that gave his the confidence to collaborate with ComMarker for a review from the perspective of a knife maker. As you all know, he has reviewed the Xtool 20W حفارة ليزر ديود in the past, and he will be getting into what differentiates these two laser machines later in the video.

While putting the machine together, it’s impaortant to note that these lasers are not toys and can cause damage to your eyes or lungs, depending on what you’re engraving. The laser comes with a set of protective glasses, but they ended up ordering another set that is certified and will protect them with both lasers in their shop since they have different wavelengths. The 190nm to 550nm range will cover the diode laser, and 800nm to 1100nm will cover this fiber laser. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of keeping the shop ventilated and potentially using a fume extractor if engraving toxic materials or working in high volumes.

As you just saw, the assembly was very straightforward, especially in contrast to putting together the Gantry on the Xtool diode laser. The only movement this fiber laser has is in the Z-axis in order for a user to focus it.

Preliminary Understanding

RedBeardOps hadn’t been satisfied with the quality of the plastic fences that came with ComMarker B4. Consequently, he took it upon themselves to design replacements using Fusion 360, intending to print them out on their Bamboo Labs P1S. Additionally, they designed a 3D printed stand for the rotary attachment, which they planned to attach to the laser bed since it tended to hang off the side during use. They mentioned that free links to these print files would be included below in the description.

ComMarker B4 includes a USB stick with the necessary drivers and a copy of ezcad to facilitate setup. لكن, as RedBeardOps is already a Lightburn user, he opted to upgrade to the galvo version of برنامج لايت بيرن, which is required for حفارة ألياف الليزر . Although he decided not to delve into the mundane details of computer setup, he indicated that an installation guide link would be provided in the cards and/or description below.

Before proceeding with knife steel depth testing and maker marks on knives he cared about, RedBeardOps wanted to acquaint themselves with commarker b4 آلة وضع العلامات بالليزر .

In the segment about laser bed alignment, RedBeardOps mentions that the ComMarker حفارة الليزر cames with a pack of sample materials, such as business cards and dog tags, which are suitable for testing purposes. He quickly noticed that his laser wasn’t aligned with the fences. To address this issue, he lined up one of the business cards with the fence and etched a horizontal line on it using Lightburn software . Adjusting the alignment was a simple process that involved loosening the column bolts and gently turning the column counterclockwise within the tolerance of the mounting holes.

He then experimented with the settings using a chrome dog tag from the sample pack. After some trial and error, he found the optimal settings that resulted in a dark and deep etch into the dog tag. He emphasize that achieving the desired results often requires experimentation and sacrificial materials.

Feeling confident after successfully etching the dog tag, they express their intention to personalize some tools, which they believe can be useful not only as gifts but also for keeping track of tools in a multi-person environment.

RedBeardOps acknowledges an issue with the Red Dot preview frame not lining up with the final result on steel. Although he resolved this issue after shooting most of the footage, he mention that there is a software solution in Lightburn settings to offset the frame, ensuring accurate alignment.

أخيراً, he remark that the laser performed well in etching both brass and aluminum materials.

Material Testing

Brass & Aluminum

In the discussion about etching brass and aluminum, RedBeardOps expresses his impression with the laser’s performance, particularly in etching these materials deeply. He notes that he has observed others using the fiber laser for etching brass coins, which leads him to believe that with enough time, it could be utilized for creating custom brass leather stamps or similar items.

RedBeardOps mentions the simplicity of focusing the laser using the Z-axis motor, where one aligns the material on the bed and adjusts the laser head until the three dots overlay each other. He demonstrates this process by etching his vice jaws to showcase the laser’s performance on aluminum. Additionally, he intends to incorporate some branded elements into the background of his hand sanding footage using commarker b4 حفارة ألياف الليزر .

Moving forward, He expresses his  intention to continue testing different materials and settings with commarker b4 20w آلة وضع العلامات بالليزر .

جلد & خشب

When discussing etching on leather and wood, RedBeardOps mentions that a fiber laser engraving machine  is not particularly suited for these materials. Its higher wavelength makes it ideal for metals, but it tends to underperform compared to a diode laser when it comes to natural soft materials. Although some people have achieved success with leather etching using a fiber laser, RedBeardOps believes it requires a significant amount of time to fine-tune the settings. He demonstrate their experimentation on a test piece, showcasing a range of light to ultra-dark marks.

Additionally, He notes that the performance on wood is also subpar. For those interested in etching wood and leather, RedBeardOps recommends opting for a diode laser like the 20W Xtool, which he has previously reviewed on his channel. This recommendation extends to cutting applications as well. If one intends to cut out sheath templates or custom wood boxes, a diode laser is the preferred choice.

Before transitioning to knife steel testing, RedBeardOps highlights the rotary tool and its functionality.

Rotary Tool(Tumbler)

When discussing the performance of the fiber laser on tumblers, RedBeardOps highlights his popularity for engraving purposes, whether as gifts or for creating custom merchandise for shops. He recounts spending hours figuring out the right settings for Yeti tumblers on the machine and hope that sharing his insights will assist others looking to undertake similar projects. Noteworthy is the mention of focusing the laser at the apex of the cup and employing a small split on the rotary tool settings. He also mentions running multiple passes at lower power to avoid marking the underlying stainless steel and only burn off the powder coat. He emphasizes  the importance of proper ventilation when using the laser in the shop.

Regarding the potential rotary application for knife making, RedBeardOps speculates that it could potentially be used to engrave pommel nuts but admits to drawing a blank on other potential uses in the shop. He invites viewers to share any ideas they may have in the comments section.

In conclusion, RedBeardOps indicates that they have now familiarized themselves with the machine and are ready to proceed with their planned activities.

Knife Steel Initial Testing

In the process of testing knife steel with the machine, RedBeardOps begins by taking a piece of 104 bar stock and initiating test grids for speed and power using Lightburn’s built-in testing panel. He mention the ability to vary the interval and frequency for fiber lasers, starting with a general spot. Subsequently, they commence running iterations of their maker mark on the test piece to evaluate the sample etches.

After completing the etching process, RedBeardOps transfers the bar to his sanding bench and removes the soot around the edges with sandpaper to assess the depth of the etch. Noticing that the first batch of marks was washing out, they realize the need to increase the laser duration with multiple passes. They point out running a relatively low power setting to avoid edge discoloration around their mark, though they acknowledge the necessity for further testing to confirm this theory.

Upon completing the second batch of maker marks, RedBeardOps is pleasantly surprised by the improved outcome, particularly noting the cleanliness and depth of the third mark. They express their astonishment at the quality achieved and hint at further testing in the future to refine their process.

Depth Testing VS Electro Chem

In order to provide a comprehensive comparison, RedBeardOps decides to conduct depth testing between the fiber laser, their normal electrochemical etching method, and the diode laser. He explains their methodology, which involves etching small rectangles onto a piece of stainless steel using Lightburn software for the lasers. For the fiber laser, they run tests at both 10 و 20 passes, noting the time taken for completion. He observes that during the longer etching cycles, the bar stock becomes slightly warm.

For the diode laser, He adjusts the size of the rectangle to save time, as it etches slower than the fiber laser. Despite running it at 90% power and 5 مم/ثانية, the diode laser yields shallow etches compared to the fiber laser.

Upon inspection, he expresses slight surprise at the depth achieved by the diode laser, noting that previous tests on carbon steel resulted in a darker finish. They proceed to compare the results with those obtained from their DIY electrochemical etching machine, which typically produces deep and dark etches.

After performing the tests, they clean the test bar with sandpaper and measure the depths of the etches. The 10-pass fiber laser etch reaches a depth of approximately 1/2 thousandth of an inch, while the 20-pass etch reaches 1 و 1/2 to 2 thousandths of an inch. In contrast, the diode laser etch does not register any significant depth, and the electrochemical etching machine achieves a depth of around 2 و 2 thousandths of an inch.

Overall, RedBeardOps finds the results from the fiber laser promising, as additional passes could easily increase the depth if needed. They conclude by acknowledging the depth achieved and expressing satisfaction with the laser’s performance.

Etching KNVIES

With the knowledge gained from their previous tests, RedBeardOps proceeds to etch actual knives. They mention a recent buoy build where they used the laser to imprint their maker mark on the ricasso. Expressing satisfaction with the ease of alignment and the etching performance, they note running 20 passes on the mark but wish they had done a few more for a slightly deeper etch. Despite this, they consider the mark acceptable.

They then turn to an old knife they made based on Knife Talk build-along plans, using it to compare the fiber laser mark with an electrochemically etched one. After cleaning the knife’s side without the electrochemical mark, they etch it with the fiber laser using 20 cycles, consistent with previous tests. Upon inspection with a digital microscope, they note significant differences in precision and cleanliness between the two methods.

Impressed by the fiber laser’s performance, RedBeardOps considers various applications such as labeling materials used in builds, personalizing blades for customers, or leaving hidden messages on knife internals. They express excitement about the machine’s capabilities, which they plan to use for etching their maker mark in future work, replacing their electrochemical etching machine.

To conclude, they provide affiliate links to the laser and free 3D print files mentioned earlier in the video and invite suggestions for future laser experiments or improvements in settings. أخيراً, they express gratitude to ComMarker for providing the machine ComMarker B4 20w laser engraver  for review and for use in his workshop.

Commarker also thanks Redbeard Ops Workshop for being willing to share the adaptation he made with us. If you want to learn more experience with engraving tools, you can click on this link to consult Redbeard Ops Workshop   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRrAhYeloCc 

https://commarker.com/deep-metal-etching-laser-for-knife-making-commarker-b4-20w/feed/ 0 النقش المعدني العميق بالليزر لصنع السكين | ComMarker B4 20W Overview nonadult
آلة التنظيف بالليزر كومماركر B4 ميني https://commarker.com/ar/commarker-b4-mini-laser-cleaning-machine/ https://commarker.com/ar/commarker-b4-mini-laser-cleaning-machine/#respond Tue, 19 مارس 2024 05:36:13 +0000 https://commarker.com/?p=23230-ar لقد كانت إزالة الصدأ بالليزر شيئًا كان حريصًا على تجربته منذ بعض الوقت. حديثاً, he acquired the Commarker before a حفارة ألياف الليزر that enables this process. In a short video, he demonstrates how to remove rust using commarker b4 20w آلة وسم الألياف بالليزر and shares the parameters he used. Welcome to Mopine Lasers; let’s delve into it before we address the actual rust.

Whats Rust

First, he explained to us what rust is, and he intends to use a Commarker B4 fiber laser engraver machine for rust removal.

Rust is a reddish-brown or orange-yellow substance that forms on the surface of iron or steel objects due to a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen, commonly known as oxidation. Specifically, when iron reacts with oxygen, it forms compounds known as iron oxides. This process is often accelerated in humid environments where water can speed up the oxidation of iron. Rust typically appears as a powdery or flaky substance covering the surface of iron or steel objects, giving them a corroded appearance. It not only affects the aesthetics of the metal but can also lead to a loss of strength and durability. لذلك, preventing and treating rust is crucial for preserving the quality and longevity of iron or steel objects.

كومماركر B4 – 20ث/30 واط/50 واط/60 واط/100 واط ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر&ماكينة النقش على العلامات بالليزر

(11 آراء العملاء)
$1,999 $1,799 يحفظ:$200

B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية سرعة النقش 20 واط قوة الليزر ComMarker B4 ماكينة نقش ألياف الليزر 0.01 مللي متر الدقة 15000 مللي متر/ثانية

0 دوار
D69*1 دوارة
D69 + D80 الروتاري
D80 دوار

Principle of laser rust removal

The principle of laser rust removal is based on the high energy and high focusing properties of lasers, as well as the optical characteristics of the oxide layer and the metal surface. The main principles include the following:

1. Optical absorption: When a laser beam is directed onto the surface of a metal, the oxide layer (such as rust) absorbs the energy of the light because of its darker color, making it more prone to absorbing light energy.

2. Thermal effect: The absorbed light energy causes the oxide layer to rapidly heat up. Once reaching high temperatures, the oxide layer begins to decompose or evaporate. This high temperature causes the oxide layer to detach from the metal surface and be evaporated or ejected under the action of the laser beam.

3. Optical selectivity: Laser beams can be highly focused, allowing precise control of the area affected by the laser. This means that the laser energy is concentrated only on the oxide layer to be removed, without causing damage to the metal surface.

في ملخص, laser rust removal utilizes the high energy and focusing properties of lasers to precisely concentrate light energy on the oxide layer on the metal surface. This results in heating, decomposition, or evaporation of the oxide layer, achieving cleaning and rust removal without damaging the metal itself.

Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion occurs when subjected to high temperatures due to the energy, although this happens on a microscopic scale, hence why the metal doesn’t visibly melt. The intense heat also induces thermal expansion in the rust at a significantly faster rate than the underlying metal. This discrepancy in expansion, coupled with the extreme heat, causes the rust to break its bond with the metal surface. Subsequently, the rust particles can either vaporize or be forcefully ejected from the surface. By fine-tuning the laser settings, one can target the rust layer without causing damage to the underlying metal. When using a fiber laser, three primary parameters can be controlled: speed, قوة, and frequency. Fiber lasers have the capability to produce very high peak powers, reaching tens of kilowatts, by concentrating the energy delivery into short, rapid-fire pulses. Even low-powered fiber lasers can effectively remove rust layers through a series of micro-explosions generated by the rapid pulses. These quick pulses help prevent overheating of the underlying base metal. For rust removal, it is advisable to use low-frequency settings, as higher frequencies may not deliver enough energy to induce ablation on the surface.


In conclusion, it is advisable to also use low power at low frequencies, as high power at low frequencies may not be optimal for the components inside the fiber laser. Additionally, it is recommended to set up a fume extractor to remove the generated fumes. Here are some of the attempts made using the 20W fiber laser from Commarker. The settings used will be displayed over the video to demonstrate the contrast between rust removal using sandpaper and laser. This showcases the effectiveness of removing rust using a fiber laser. Don’t forget to subscribe and explore our channel to learn more about حفارة الليزر. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to your continued support in the next video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EngK8UBOLB4

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